CD: Symphonies 1-9: Eliahu Inbal / Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra / Teldec CD set

CD: Symphonies 1-9: Eliahu Inbal / Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra / Teldec CD set

This is an excellent cycle of Bruckner symphonies and it helps explain why Inbal has been invited to perform Bruckner all over the world. This box set (with individual jewel cases) contains Inbal's pioneering recording) of the first versions of Symphonies 3, 4 and 8. It also includes the th early reconstruction of the Bruckner Ninth Finale as prepared by Nicola Samale and Guiseppe Mazzuca.

Now out-of-print

NOTE: Revenue from this sale will be put toward the upcoming expense of transporting the entire Bruckner Archive to the Austrian Media Library (Osterreichische Mediathek)