The best website for celebrating Anton Bruckner's 200th Birthday

The best website for celebrating Anton Bruckner's 200th Birthday
Over the past few days, I have been on numerous websites that have been set up to celebrate Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday. Believe me, there are many and some offer some fascinating history, analysis and recordings.

In some respects, the experience can be overwhelming. Bruckner is usually not given this sort of media attention, so when information suddenly starts flying in from every direction, it can be hard to manage.

But in terms of generosity, I feel that the website of MDR Klassik was the best. Not only did they offer a new performance of Bruckner's Symphony No. 8 performed by the MDR Symphony Orchestra under the direction of its music director, Dennis Russell Davies (performed at the Leipzig Gewandhaus on Bruckner's birthday!), but they also offered up the same forces performing all ELEVEN symphonies! What is of particular note here is that when Dennis Russell Davies recorded his Bruckner cycle with the Bruckner Orchestra Linz for Arte Nova & Sony, it did not include the Symphony in F Minor, but the cycle he recorded for MDR does include it and it is here to audition. Some of the recordings have already been pulled down but eight remain.

Go to the MDR Klassik Website and scroll down until you see the picture above. Click on that and you will has access to a wealth of Bruckner recordings.