Links to other Bruckner websites |  | | Engraving on Leica Camera | Here are some important Bruckner-related websites and some other websites with information that you may find useful.
The Bruckner Society of AmericaThis is the webpage for the Bruckner Society of America.
All news and publications of the Society are available here. The Bruckner Society is a non-profit private foundation. Donations are tax-deductible.
www.brucknersocietyamerica.org |
The Bruckner Journal and the "Bruckner Radio" streaming serviceThe Bruckner Journal comes out three times a year and is available worldwide via subscription. It is a wonderful publication for anyone interested in the music of Bruckner. There are some very useful links on the website. The current editor is Dr. Michael Cucka. The site also offers a 24 hour streaming service. All Bruckner - all the time!
Highly recommended.
http://www.brucknerjournal.com |
Bruckner Online - AustriaThe Austrian Academy of Sciences - Institute for art and music historical research, in Vienna has a new website devoted to Anton Bruckner. It already has many interesting features, including a time line of Bruckner's life and digitized images of the first editions and the Haas/Orel editions from the 1930's.
Access to digitized images of Bruckner's manuscripts (located at the ONB, St Florian, Kremsmuenster, etc.) can be accomplished through the "Werke - Datenbank" link, but you will need to know the library catalog number to find the specific score.
www.bruckner-online.at |
MWV Homepage - ViennaThe MWV is the copyright holder for the Bruckner edition which publishes the Bruckner scores in both music director editions and study scores. They also publish a large number of books (in German) .
Scores and books produced by the MWV can be purchased through my website. Click here to visit the order page.
https://www.mwv.at/english/index.htm |
The Anton Bruckner Institute LinzThe ABIL was founded in 1978. The focus was on the exploration of the life and works of Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). In 2006, the duties were extended to the discussion of the Upper Austrian regional musical culture. In addition to basic research, the Institute is engaged in the collection and documentation of sources, the publishing of scientific journals as well as the support and implementation of lectures, symposiums and exhibitions. The Institute has a unique data and document collection and an extensive library. The site is also the home of the ABCD - The Anton Bruckner Chronologie Database maintained by Franz Scheder.
www.abil.at |
Bruckner Orchestra Linz |  | | The history of the Bruckner Orchester Linz spans 200 years of tradition and excellence. In the last three decades, it has won an international reputation as one of the leading orchestras of Central Europe. Consisting of 128 musicians, the orchestra is not only the concert orchestra for the state of Upper Austria but also the opera orchestra at the Landestheater Linz, and participates in the Bruckner Festival, the Ars Electronica Festival and the Linzer Klangwolke. The Bruckner Orchester Linz has performed extensively in The United Kingdom (2016, 2018), The United States (2005, 2009, 2017), Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan and France. Recent tours have featured concerts in Cologne, Paris, Vienna and Istanbul and since 2012 the Orchestra is having its own concert cycle at the Musikverein Wien.
The Bruckner Orchester records prolifically including the complete Bruckner cycle for arte nova/SONY with past Chief Conductor, Dennis Russell Davies. During its long and venerable history, the orchestra has performed with such luminaries as Clemens Krauss, Hans Knappertsbusch, Sergiu Celibidache, Kurt Eichhorn, Vaclav Neumann, and Christoph von Dohnányi. In recent times, the distinguished roster has included Zubin Mehta, Serge Baudo, Horst Stein, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Michael Gielen, Bernhard Klee, Steven Sloane, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Michael Schønwandt and Franz Welser-Möst.
Starting with the 2017/18 season Markus Poschner assumed the position of Chief Conductor of the Bruckner Orchester Linz.
http://www.bruckner-orchester.at/en/ |
William Carragan's WebsiteWilliam Carragan, one of the contributors to the Bruckner Complete Edition (as editor of the scores to both editions of the Symphony No. 2) has established his own website which includes many of his critical essays on the music of Anton Bruckner and two-piano arrangements of several of Bruckner's symphonies (MIDI sound files and score downloads).
www.carragan.com |
The Austrian National Library (ONB)The searchable online database of the Austrian National Library. This is where most of Bruckner's manuscripts are maintained and the site affords the viewer access to this scores and other material relating to Bruckner. Manuscripts can be seen here, while other documents can be accessed here.
http://www.onb.ac.at/en/ |
Bruckner2024 Project - Gerd SchallerThe Gerd Schaller's Bruckner2024 Project has launched its own website. BRUCKNER2024 is a large-scale project (begun in 2011) by the conductor Gerd Schaller with the aim of performing all symphonies of Anton Bruckner in all versions on the concert stage until the composer's 200th birthday in 2024 and recording them on CD. Gerd Schaller will be the first conductor to record all of Bruckner's symphonies in all versions and intermediate variants on CD. Project partners are the festival Ebracher Musiksommer, the Bavarian Radio - Studio Franken and Profil Recordings.
www.bruckner2024.com/en/ |
Brucknerbund AnsfeldenThe Brucknerbund Ansfelden is already preparing for Anton Bruckner's 200th birthday in 2024. The annual concert series "Bruckner 200" and many other events offer interested visitors diverse access to Bruckner's music away from his great symphonies. Since the musician Peter Aigner became chairman of the club in 2017, the number of members has almost doubled.
Contact: office@brucknerbund-ansfelden.at
Brucknerbund is also on Facebook and on Instagram
Give a like!
http://www.brucknerbund-ansfelden.at/ |
Hans Roelofs' Bruckner DiscographyThose of you who are interested in Bruckner's vocal and instrumental compositions will certainly welcome the work of the late Hans Roelofs (1940-2019). As of January, 2019 this website has become inactive and no additional information is being added.
Hans was a colleague and dear friend of mine. abruckner.com is presently carrying the costs of keeping this great resource on the Internet.
http://www.abruckner.com/vocal_instrumental_music/ |
Wienbibliothek DigitalFormerly known as the Vienna City and State Library, this site contains digitized copies of many culturally relevant documents including several of Bruckner's manuscripts which can be found in the "musikhandschriften" section.
http://www.digital.wienbibliothek.at/ |
Stift St. FlorianThe spiritual home and final resting place of Anton Bruckner. It is a wonderful place to visit and the monastery also offers rooms and conference facilities.
http://www.stift-st-florian.at/start.html#C |
ArchivMusic.comPurchases at ArchivMusic.com help support the maintenance of this Discography

Facebook - An Anton Bruckner Group PageThis Facebook Group reproduces much of the material that is on this website, but they often offer new material of their own. Some of that has been added to this website.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/antonbruckner/ |
Hartmut Haenchen's Bruckner SiteConductor, Hartmut Haenchen has recently re-activated his conducting schedule with a heavy concentration on the music of Bruckner. He is essentially creating a new Bruckner cycle with performances all over Europe.
Haenchen Website |
Eduardo Chibas' Furtwaengler WebsiteMany of you will be familiar with Eduardo Chibas as the conductor of Bruckner's Symphonies 7, 8 and 9 with the Venezuela Symphony Orchestra. (Those superb recordings are available in my webstore as CDs or as downloads). Mr. Chibas has had a long fascination with the conducting art of Wilhelm Furtwaengler and he has just opened a new website where he is making his extraordinary re-masterings of many Furtwaengler recordings (including Bruckner) available for download.
www.furtwanglersound.com |
Composers Datebook (Audio Features)This 2 minute daily feature is produced by American Public Media in association with the American Composers Forum. If you go to this site, type Bruckner into the search window and you will see a list of audio essays on Bruckner.
http://composersdatebook.publicradio.org/ |
Fritz Oeser (1911-1982) WebsiteThis is a site maintained by Fritz Oeser's daughter in honor of her father. It was officially opened on December 14th, 2010 - the anniversary of her parent's wedding day.
www.fritz-oeser.de |