Priestley: John Boynton: Three Men in New Suits (1945)

Priestley: John Boynton: Three Men in New Suits (1945)

Certainly not a well known piece of literature, but according to Bruckner Journal Editor, Ken Ward, Priestley makes a strong case for Bruckner, Mahler and Elgar in this book. That alone may make this a good read! However, this is what I found on page 83:

"It was Friday evening, about half-past six. Alan Strete Jr and his sister, Diana, had the old nursery to themselves. Everything was happening at once outside: bright shafts of sunlight and slashes of rain, black cloud here and blue sky there, and a rainbow or two; like a brilliant watercolour of the great period. Inside it was dingy but familiar and cosy. Always when they had talked, Diana had made herself as small as possible, folding and bunching herself in the old leather chair, and Alan had made himself as large as possible, stretched out and sprawling across the lop-sided settee; and that is how they were now. Alan was smoking a long pipe that had a foul reek and made an irritating bubbling sound. It was all like years ago, which alternately hurt and comforted Diana."

"What's that thing that Uncle Rodney's playing now -I mean when we came down? That frightfully long, monotonous, mournful thing. Did you hear it?"

"Yes. Slow movement of Bruckner's Fourth Symphony," replied Alan, who knew about music. "Goes on and on and on. Like most of Bruckner."

"I loathe it. I wished he would stop playing it." ยท

"You ought to ask him to," Alan said. "He probably would y'know."

For more information on the author, click here.