November, 2016: Symphony No. 4 / Franz Attenberg (?) / Dresden Philharmonic / Colsubsidio Cassette |  | | Click to enlarge | A colleague of mine in Bogota, Columbia was kind enough to send me some old cassettes of Bruckner symphonies that were sold in his country. One of the cassettes (Colsubsidio # 11) was clearly one of a series of mass-marketed classical music cassettes. The recording number 11 in the series features the Bruckner Symphony No. 4 and is credited to Franz Attenberg and the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra. While the orchestra definitely exists, there is no information about Franz Attenberg that I can find. My assumption was that this was just another iteration of the pseudonym recordings that surface from time to time and always end up being one of the same recordings that we have seen before.
But so far, this recording does not line up with any of the other mass-marketed recordings, so the only thing I can do is list it as it is and hope someday that we will be able to identify the true performers. As part of that endeavor, I offer it to you and hope that you may be able to link it to a recording that you know.