Orchestration of Beethoven's Piano Sonata, Opus 13 "Pathetique"

It is well known that Anton Bruckner studied with Otto Kitzler during his time in Linz. During this time, Kitzler put Bruckner through a series of musical exercises. In August of 1862 Kitzler assigned the task of orchestrating the first part (the exposition) of the first movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in C Minor "Pathetique" (Opus 13) for a large orchestra. Soon after this project Bruckner went on to create his own orchestral works, which may already be considered as full-fledged compositions - The March D Minor, Three Pieces for Orchestra, the Overture in G minor and the Studiensymphonie in F minor.

Bruckner wrote all these exercises and some sketches for his first independent orchestra works-in a book, now known as "The Kitzler Study Book". The contents of this book have been widely known and were, in 1984, the subject of a thorough American thesis, but the contents could not be published because the autograph was privately held in Munich. Then in 2014, the Austrian National Library was able to purchase the precious manuscript and immediately published a facsimile edition for an interested public.

Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 13
Orchestrated in 1862