Bruckner Symphony No. 9 - Bruno Walter - Armed Forces Radio Transcription
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One of the rarest recordings in the archive is the Bruckner Symphony No. 9 issued on two Armed Forces Radio 16 inch transcription discs. The performance on the radio transcription program is with Bruno Walter conducting the New York Philharmonic. The concert dates from March 17, 1946. The discs were obtained back in 2001 from a firm named Nostalgia in Redmond, Washington. Except for some writing in ink on the label, there is no reference to Bruckner or Bruno Walter on the label, just "Program # 76 - NY Philharmonic," The program contains commentary (including some between the first and second movements as late patrons were seated) and concludes with an excerpt of the third movement of the Brahms Symphony No.4 which fades out at the conclusion of the broadcast.
I donated the use of the recording to Music and Arts Records who commissioned Aaron Z. Snyder to provide audio restoration. The CD is available on Music and Arts CD # 1110.