Carragan, William: Bruckner's Trumpet: The Evolution of Brass Writing in Bruckner's Third Symphony, 1873-1889
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Photo by Nellie Vin
Bruckner scholar William Carragan has been exploring the compositional process of Anton Bruckner by examining the intermediate sketches to several of his symphonies. That has led to an 1866 original Linz version of the Symphony no. 1, 1873 and 1876 variants of the Symphony No. 2, and an 1874 variant of the Symphony No. 3.
At the 2013 Bruckner Journal Readers Conference in Oxford, England, Prof. Carragan presented a paper that described the differences between the 1874 variant of the Symphony No. 3 with the other known editions.That presentation is now available on Prof. Carragan's website and can be accessed here.