March in E Flat

Martin Tousignant has offered the following comment concerning this score and his arrangement:

"Alonzo del Arte's MP3 of this march made me curious enough to dig deeper. I compared and contrasted it to the 1976 Dondeyne recording you posted as a download. Since the Bornhoft [Bruckner Edition] arrangement wasn't published until 1996, how did Dondeyne produce a performing edition? I presume he simply used Bruckner's manuscript score and transposed the parts from the now-moribund wind instruments. In turn I used Dondeyne's recording to arrange the march, updating the scoring to present-day practices.

The "Revised" files are based more closely on Bruckner's actual manuscript and this new arrangement was prepared in order to match a few notes and rhythms more closely with Bruckner's score.

Score prepared after reviewing Bruckner's manuscript
Bruckner's Original Score (as edited by Martin Tousignant)
Score transcribed for Brass Instruments - British style