Joan Schukking's Orchestration of the Adagio of the Symphony No. 3 (1877)

Joan Schukking's Orchestration of the Adagio of the Symphony No. 3 (1877)
Joan Schukking gave this description of his transcription: "This is a midi transcription for orchestra of the adagio of the third symphony in the same 1877 version as in my piano transcription. As in that case I added the recapitulation, which had been omitted in this version, using material from the recapitulation of the 1876 version and of the exposition from the 1877 version. At the climax at 15:17 I have added the motifs derived from the second bar of the first theme. Used software: MuseScore 3 and 4.

I have tried to give an impression of how this adagio could have sounded if Bruckner had not made the large and unnecessary cut. I hesitated for a long time to send it because the greater part is identical to the Nowak editions and can be better heard in a real performance."

Download Symphony_3_Adagio_1877--recon-JS.wav