The Bruckner Discography and The Bruckner Archive
Thank you for visiting abruckner.com., an online discography of Anton Bruckner's symphonies and orchestral compositions and home of the Bruckner Archive.
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This discography is an attempt to list every Bruckner orchestral recording offered to the public. This includes commercial recordings, pirate recordings, radio transcriptions that were in general release (i.e. not custom copies), and some limited promotional distributions. The completeness of this discography is the result of a world-wide effort. Many people offer their time and information to keep this discography up-to-date. I welcome any information and suggestions that you may have.
Abruckner.com also offers access to the Bruckner Archive, one of the largest collections of Bruckner recordings in the world.
Dr. Hans Roelofs, the creator and editor of the discography of Bruckner's vocal and instrumental music. passed away in Belgium on December 27, 2019. In order to keep this incredible resource available to the public, abruckner.com has paid to move the Vocal and Instrumental Discography to this website. Please note, however, that Dr. Roelofs' website has not been updated since January of 2019. We are maintaining it for its value as a listing of past recordings.
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Enjoy the discography and please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.